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The Green Neck System 2 by Gabriel Werlen

The Green Neck System 2 by Gabriel Werlen

Regular price $60.00
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"This book will exceed your expectations on every level! Gabriel is one of my all-time favourite creators. Everything he releases is GOLD!" - Michael Murray

"At the last Magic Live I was fortunate to spend some time with Gabriel and share ideas; his depth of thinking is devilish, deceptive and delightful. Reading GNS2 has been a real eye-opener that illustrates just how clever he is and how inspiring and practical his methods are. Highly recommended." - R. Paul Wilson

"I thought all the gold that there was to be mined from Bob Hummer's object-switching ideas had been found, but Gabriel Werlein proved me wrong with what he's put into The Green Neck System 2. His approaches are innovative, baffling, and worth the time for anyone interested in that genre of effects." - Joshua Quinn

"Gabriel Werlen will go down in history as one of the 21st Century's greatest mentalism creators. Bold words I know, but easy to for me to say because I have seen, read and studied his material. Gabriel has also fooled me more times than any mentalist I have ever met. And his material isn't just fooling, it's also delightfully clever, the 'puts-a-grin-on-your-face-when-you-perform-it' kind of clever." - Mark Elsdon

"I love Gabriel's approach to mentalism. His subtle, and sneaky, methods are a joy to discover in a lecture packed full of real-world tested routines." - Jon Allen

"Inexplicable and deeply fooling mysteries that will make your audience’s head spin. Created by the diabolical mind of the Werlen Dervish!" - Raj Madhok

"To See Garbriel is to be fooled. Ingenious, practical, fooling thinking" - Tim Trono

"Combining new sophisticated principles with smart presentations, Gabriel amazed me over and over again. I didn't stand a chance." - John Bannon

"In Mentalism, the path I chose to walk is a little traveled one, one that but a few are taking. For his obsession with psychology, his attention to detail and for the subtlety of his ploys, Gabriel is definitely a traveling companion. I believe that his work will inspire you" - Phedon Bilek

"Gabriel Werlen's 'Green Neck System' is a testament to his genius. With practical performance ideas that captivate and innovate, he stands as a true visionary in the field." - Paul Brook

"I adore Gabriel, he is a genius! I got and studied all of his work and use parts of it in my active repertoire and work all the time. It is that good! His "Green Neck System" (look out for his second book!) is unbelievable and incredibly versatile. Juice for your brain and creativity! Truly my highest recommendation!" - Jan Forster

"Gabriel is one of my favorite creators in the world of magic." - Christian Grace

"If you decide to do something at random, only God knows what you will do. Oh, and of course Gabriel Werlen…" - Markobi

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